

The Egyptian civilization started around the year 3100 a.C. when the first dynasty of pharaohs was founded and extends at 332 a. C. when Egypt is conquered by Alejandro Magno, Macedonian's king.

We choose this civilization because egyptians developed important knowledge about mathematics and astronomy, which permitted them carry out works of engineering, architecture and to create a solar calendar of 365 days. Nowadays all that is apply to diferents areas and egyptian knowledges helped the social advance.

3 comentarios:

Carolina Castaño dijo...

Very complete reasons. I would like you to include the names of your group's members. Don't forget to pay attention to the word order in sentences, like "when the first dynasty of pharaohs was founded".

Carolina Castaño dijo...

Why do you study in La Sabana? What do you like doing? Please, include this kind of information in your profile.

Angela dijo...

Teacher I corrected the wrong sentence with color red