
Egyptian Influence

One important ancient civilization is Egyptian because it contributed nice things in areas as engineering, architecture and math. Egyptians were very creative and intelligent as a result they built the pyramids which inspired the modern architecture.

Pyramids made by slaves for honor the pharaohs after their death, due to that the monumental constructions were tombs in many cases. Each pyramid needed lot coordination and good administration, because of that these converted in example for other people that took them some techniques, ideas and resources in order to build sophisticated constructions later years. New architects used geometric volumes and figures, as trapeziums, in windows and doors, as Egyptians had do.

In conclusion, Egyptian Civilization was very important because it motivated to develop the new architecture as a consequence of the Egyptians’ ingenious.

2 comentarios:

Carolina Castaño dijo...

Angela, you introduction and conclusion are really complete. However, you should be careful with the incomplete sentences in the body of your writing, basically at the beginning. Remember also that after the word "to" the verbs are never in past or "s" or "ing".

Angela dijo...

Teacher I corrected the wrong words with color red, but I can’t fine the incomplete sentences in the body’s beginning.